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Sendiio 3.0 Review

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Sendiio 3.0 Review

First-Ever Unlimited A.I Autoresponder!!

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For a limited time, you can pick up over $3,911 in extra bonuses when you buy Sendiio 3.0 from this page before the timer ends!

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    sendiio 3.0

    What Is Sendiio 3.0?

    What Is Sendiio?

    There’s been few autoresponders released lately, right? However, none of them are like the one i’m about to share with you today. This autoresponder is easily the best one yet…


    Because this autoresponder:

    • Allows you to import unlimited lists
    • It lets you create unlimited email marketing campaigns
    • And it lets you create unlimited text message marketing campaigns
    • Lets you create unlimited Facebook messenger campaigns
    • The software lets you create unlimited optin forms
    • It allows you create unlimited follow-up sequences
    • Even lets you create unlimited one-off mailing campaigns and much much more..

    Yup, you can now profit from the three most profitable platforms under one central dashboard without any monthly fees..

    Email – Text – FB messenger

    We all know that email marketing is still one of the most profitable marketing channels. We also know that text messages get a 98% open rate within the first two minutes..

    And we also know that FB messenger gets a 100% inbox rate and is the biggest messaging platform online..

    So why not combine all three of these wildly profitable marketing channels into one and generate sales on every platform that your target customers are on..

    Well, Sendiio 3.0 allows you to do just that.

    Introducing Sendiio 3.0..

    Sendiio 3.0 is the 1st and only artificially intelligent autoresponder that combines the power of email marketing, text message marketing and Facebook messenger marketing all under one, central dashboard at a one-time price.

    You can now tap into the 3 most profitable marketing channels in one place. You no longer have to wonder if email is best, text is best or Facebook messenger is best.

    The fact is they all work and are all extremely profitable. And you can now tap into all of them and maximize their profits.

    Plus in Sendiio 3.0, our A.I writing engine will write all of your high-converting sales copy for you as well as your subject lines.

    So you will be able to create..

    • Unlimited email marketing campaigns
    • And unlimited text message marketing campaigns
    • Also unlimited Facebook messenger marketing campaigns and much much more (even Twitter DM will be free bonus)

    Sendiio 3.0 comes with..

    • New features
    • Optimized features
    • And completely revamped features. (over a dozen updates to be exact)

    I’m talking about features unlike anything you’ve ever seen on any other ar, which will dramatically skyrocket your bottom line!

    But the best part is that all these new updates have been based around what their users have wanted to make the platform better!

    Ultimately, they’ve collectively taken Sendiio to entirely new levels so that it can deliver you even more profit than any other autoresponder out there.

    And during the Sendiio 3.0 special, you can gain access to Sendiio 3.0 at a whopping 67% discount..

    Sendiio 3.0 allows you to easily profit from from email marketing, text message marketing
    and FB messenger.

    sendiio 3.0

    Sendiio 3.0: How It Works

    Sendiio 3.0 works  in 3 simple steps:

    • 1. Import your lists and create your campaign
    • 2. Send (or schedule) your campaign
    • 3. Sit back and enjoy your profits

    And right now, you can gain access to Sendiio 3.0 for zero monthly fees. You no longer have to login to three different platforms to reach your target customers. You can now login to just one dashboard and skyrocket your profits

    See Sendiio 3.0 In Action Below!!

    You can also see some of the more indepth demo videos below..

    Sendiio 3.0: Pros

    • Sendiio 3.0 is a cloud based software
    • Nothing to download
    • Very easy and simple to use
    • Sendiio 3.0 is 100% newbie friendly
    • Frequent updates included
    • Intuitive UI
    • 100% pandemic safe solution
    • Fully tested
    • Also included is the step by step tutorial of Sendiio 3.0
    • 247 customer support

    Sendiio 3.0: Cons

    • Truly, Sendiio 3.0 requires a stable Internet connection so you can be able to follow along with the training .
    • You need to get in touch with support for any issues
    • Indeed, i truly do not find any other issue with this amazing software “Sendiio 3.0”.

    Sendiio 3.0: Prices And Upsells

    Front End: Sendiio 3.0 Agency

    Gives your customers full access to use the Email, Text and FB Messenger automation and list building features. PLUS we’ve decided to throw in AGENCY access on the FE, so they can offer these 3 services to their clients as well. See our swipes for ideas on how to angle it.

    OTO 1: Sendiio 3.0 Academy

    In this training I’m going to show your customers how to build their first 1,000 subscribers in the next 14 days or less. I’m going to share with them a TON of different FREE traffic strategies that they can start using TODAY to generate as much traffic as they’d like and start building their list.

    OTO 2: Sendiio 3.0 + ALP

    Unlocks Over 300 PREMIUM, Done-For-You eBooks – In ALL of the HOTTEST Niches – With A PROVEN Squeeze Page And ENTIRE Follow-up Sequence INCLUDED For EACH

    (PLUS, get TWO Done-for-You Packages EVERY Single Month!)

    OTO 3: Sendiio 3.0 VA License

    Give access to your VA to run campaigns for you and NEVER compromise your contacts. They’ll be able to send campaigns for you, but NEVER get access to ANY of your leads.

    OTO 4: Sendiio 3.0 Booster

    One of the most powerful things when it comes to List marketing, is to send to your unopens. One of the unique things about Sendiio is the ability to send to your UNOPENS automatically when setting up your campaigns.

    OTO 5: Sendiio 3.0 + EmailRamp

    This is Neil Napier’s EmailRamp platform that comes preloaded with 999+ high-converting, pre-written emails that customers can copy+paste into Sendiio to generate profit without writing a single word themselves. It has 9 different niches AND 7 different styles of emails from Story-tellers, Emotional emails, re-engagement and much much more

    Sendiio 3.0 Bonuses

    Attention: Not only are you getting a amazing deal on this product when you buy Sendiio 3.0 during launch week, but I’ve multiplied the value by adding in these extra bonuses below!  All you have to do is buy Sendiio 3.0 through any link on this page.  


    Bonus 1: HTML For Beginners ($147)

    Learning just the basics of HTML code will allow you to create hyperlinks that link to other websites, add pictures, format your fonts and text, and make your content far more search engine friendly. Even when you encounter site builders or content management systems like WordPress, you will still need to know basic HTML code.

    The truth is that compared to a lot of other languages, HTML is the easiest to learn. So now is your chance if you’ve always wanted to build webpages, but were intimidated by the code, this course will help you learn the basics so that you can survive and even thrive in the online world.


    Bonus 2: Captivate With YouTube Live – Advanced Edition (Value $297)

    Available To Anyone In The World. Before we go any further, let me give you some insights about Youtube Live. YouTube Live is YouTube’s streaming API that makes it possible to create, update, and manage live events on YouTube.

    Using YouTube Live users can schedule broadcasting events and associate them with video streams. YouTube Live has unique components like YouTube Data API and the YouTube Content ID API.

    YouTube Live’s Data API enables YouTube users to manage their YouTube accounts, while the Content ID API enables interactions with YouTube’s rights management system. Everything is integrated into one platform.

    YouTube Live makes it possible to broadcast a stream live and also save it and upload the video on a user’s YouTube account.

    content gorilla ai

    Bonus 3: Domain Name Marketing ($197)

    Do You Want To Learn More About Domain Name Marketing? A Beginners Guide To Getting Free Traffic Through Correct Domain Name Marketing…

    1k profit partnership

    Bonus 4: Email List Building Gold (Value $197)

    Struggling to build your own email list? Build Your List Faster Than Ever With This Email List Building Blueprint At Your Disposal. Start Building Your Email List The Easy Way… Right Now!

    You’ll Learn How To: Begin with the end in mind, Get Super Fast Exposure To Your Offers, Build a relationship with your list and Automate the entire process.

    Are you sick of hearing how great list building is, and want to know how to get your own email list up and running?

    Have you read so many eBooks, but they only confuse the heck out of you? Do you know which tools successful email marketers use, but don’t really understand how to use them?

    Do you simply not know how to build your email list? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this will be one of the most important letters you will ever read.


    Bonus 5: Search Engine Optimization ($147)

    Do You Want To Learn More About Search Engine Optimization? A Beginners Guide To Generate Free Targeted Traffic By Utilizing Search Engines.


    Bonus 6: FB Messenger Marketing (Value 147)

    Find out how the marketing experts use the power of Facebook messengers to triple their income and connect with buyers in their markets! Uncover these proven time-saving strategies by using automation tools to expand your business, effortlessly!

    Discover how easy it is to find your target market regardless of niche and convert them into buyers! Learn how you can design a chatbot for your market that will resonate with your core audience! And much more – all within this special report!

    Bonus 7: Find Your Niche Upgrade Package (Value $147)

    The step-by-step guide to finding your niche so you can stand out and create success faster.

    Now you can get instant access to a 10-part training series to help you get ahead even more. Download and start playing these videos tutorials right from the comfort of your home.

    When it comes to running a successful business, you can’t please all of the people all of the time. If you can find a viable and profitable niche to focus your time, money and efforts on, you are far more likely to succeed in business.

    If you’re concerned that spending the time to research so you can choose a profitable niche will keep you from starting your business, here are some great reasons why you need to take the time to find a niche.


    Bonus 8: Intelligent One Time Offers (Value $197)

    One-time offers aren’t anything new. In fact, you’ve almost definitely seen fast food restaurants use them to increase the size of your initial order. The type of one-time offers we’re talking about today is presented only after someone makes a purchase.

    This type is more powerful simply because they trust you. They’ve bought your first product. But here’s the reality and why most people are failing to get their one-time offers to convert.

    For almost a decade, we’ve seen business owners set up one-time offers that don’t convert. If you’re in the same boat, then this is a good situation to be in because you are aware of something that most people just don’t want to acknowledge.

    You know you need to make a change, but perhaps you don’t know what it is. While we can’t guarantee your success, if you want to know the blueprint to how we get 75% converting OTO’s and higher, then this is for you…


    Bonus 9: Boost Your Online Sales (Value $97)

    Anyone selling anything online! Finally! Get More Leads, Build Your Audience, and Attract More Sales. Discover 101 Practical Strategies and Methods To Increase Online Sales For Your Product or Service In This Course.

    Are you looking for ways to grow your online business? Perhaps you have an eCommerce store that you want to scale? Or perhaps you’re selling digital products?

    Whatever it may be, if you’re selling anything online then you need traffic! If you’re hearing crickets and your sales stats show very little activity, then download this product today.

    Well, let me tell you a secret. This is why gather the right intelligence about your perfect buyer is crucial before you begin to market your products or services.

    Now that I have your attention, how can you go about creating a buyer profile? And beyond that how do you know where to find these people? And how to write your sales copy so that it appeals to them?

    stoodaio 2.0

    Bonus 10: Stream Profits Authority (Value $127)

    Looking to grow your following and reach? How To Leverage On Live Video Streaming Platforms To Reach Thousands of Viewers And Build An Epic Brand.

    In This Course, You’ll Discover The Steps, Methods And Techniques To Setting Yourself Up For Success On Periscope, Blab And Meerkat.

    How To Use Live Video Streaming Platforms To Reach Thousands of Viewers And Build an Epic Brand. This course aims to show you which platforms to join, how to get started in each and how to start broadcasting.


    Bonus 11: Clickbank Traffic Mastermind ($197)

    Gurus, Get More Traffic and Dominate Clickbank.  

    If I could show you how to dominate Clickbank and drive traffic would you be interested? Just like most online business entrepreneurs, we are all trying to make more revenue from the web. The competition is tough we know this!

    Just when you seem to have that brainwave, that new idea which you think is going to make you a ton of money, but then discover someone else thought of it first and you feel deflated.

    Back to the drawing board, it is. Will you ever succeed at creating an online income?

    More and more people across the world are turning to the internet for a solution to their

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    Bonus 12: Traffic Secrets Unleashed (Value $299)

    Traffic Secrets Unleashed is a short training that gets straight to the meat and potatoes and reveals 5 super-effective traffic sources that can’t fail at driving truckloads of traffic to your business.


    Bonus 13: Advertising Your Business ($127)

    Do You Want To Become More Knowledgeable Learning About Advertising Your Business? Sure-Fire Steps To Become Successful in Advertising Your Business.

    teaching matrix

    Bonus 14: Keyword Ninja (Value $297)

    Get Ready to Give Your Business a Huge Upgrade, Because You’re About to Discover the Time Saving, Profit Boosting Magic of this keyword software. This is keyword software that finds synonyms and gets keyword data from Overture. 

    It also gets related keywords from sites listed on Google and Yahoo. You can either enter a “starting” keyword manually or download an existing keyword list.

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    Bonus 15: Social Media Marketing Influence ($197)

    Do You Want To Learn More About Social Media Marketing? A Beginners Guide To Learning To Get More Traction, Engagement, and Traffic Marketing On Social Media…

    sendiio 3.0

    Bonus 16: Top 20 Tools For Creating An Online Course (Value $147)

    The first step to launching a killer online course is creating course content that is factually accurate, up-to-date, and visually appealing.

    Creating content may seem intimidating if you have a little web or technological skills, but it doesn’t have to be. In contrast, creating great online content can be easy with the right tools.

    In this report, we provide you with the top 20 tools for creating an online course. These tools range from course hosting to grammar editing. In other words, these tools will help you create a successful online course from start to finish.

    sendiio 3.0

    Bonus 17: Email Marketing Influence: ($197 Value)

    Do you want to learn more about email marketing? A beginners guide to get more engagement and sales using correct and proven email marketing strategies.

    tube tornado

    Bonus 18: Blog Post Optimizer ($197)

    Now you can blog like the experts. Do You Want to Learn The Secrets The Blogger Gurus Don’t Tell You About? If I could show you how to blog like an expert would you be interested?

    Just like all bloggers out there we are all trying to get the most from our blogs and generate more traffic, more revenue, and more engagement from our regular readers and visitors right?

    Wouldn’t it be better if we could all generate more traffic and blog subscribers on a regular basis without the need for paid traffic? Well, now you can…

    More and more people across the blogosphere are turning to optimization techniques to gain favor with the search engines. If you miss out today you leave your business in jeopardy.

    Blog Post Optimizer has all the tools you need to survive the new age of content.

    sendiio 3.0

    Bonus 19: Authority Blog Success (Value $157)

    Blogs with an authoritative voice attract a loyal audience! There are lots of rambling blogs on the web today, but blogging as an authority on a particular subject is the best strategy for generating a perpetual income.

    Authority blog success will show you how to make the most cash with your blogging!

    Once you have established a successful blog that is powered by your expert knowledge and insight, you will then be able to generate a large income stream from those advertisers and marketers who want to expose their products and services to your audience.

    Regardless of your blog subject, there will be specific advertisers that will want to be displayed along with your blogs. And they will pay a hefty price to be there. We will discuss all of this with you and help you determine what type of revenue streams are best for your blog.

    sendiio 3.0

    Bonus 20: Evergreen Lead Business (Value $197)

    This is not your typical list building course. Low profile internet marketer reveals jealously guarded secret to pulling in leads day in, day out without relying on product launches and solo ads and yes. This works with any business in any industry.

    Are you tired of not making enough sales for your business? Spent countless hours, sweat and tears implementing various business strategies yet see little to no result? Or frustrated that you can’t generate enough hot leads for your business?

    If you’re sick and tired of all that, then you’re in the right place. What you’re about to get is not the typical lead generation strategy like solo ads and product launches…

    While they work extremely well in some industry but they have their weaknesses as well. Not all business can benefit from solo ads and product launches.

    sendiio 3.0

    Bonus 21: DFY Promo Emails (Value $199)

    Download These 950+ High-Converting DFY Promo Emails with 100% FULL Unrestricted Rights. You Can Even Sell The Private Label Rights To This Package To Your Customers!

    You are about to get instant access to an exclusive collection of 950+ Professionally Written Cash Generating Promotional Email Templates to help you write better marketing emails, posts, ads… faster, and easier.

    On the inside, you’ll get 950+ done-for-you promotional emails to edit and use anyhow you want. Everything is well organized into 32 Internet Marketing Subjects to help you write better-converting emails.

    But that’s not ALL! The best part is that… EVERYTHING you’ll get access to on this page today… also comes with a full ‘UNRESTRICTED’ Private Label Rights opportunity.

    It takes the pain out of persuasive email writing so you can spend MORE time sending out emails and making SALES.

    Plus Get These Extra Bonuses During Launch Week

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    sendiio 3.0

    Sendiio 3.0: My Verdict

    Thank you so very much for reading my Sendiio 3.0 review. I really hope it did help you with your buying decision.

    In version 3.0 – the creator have gone A.I. Yes, the First-Ever Unlimited, A.I Autoresponder.

    • It can write all your subject lines for higher open rates for you
    • And it can write all of your email copy for you for higher engagement and clicks on your offers
    • Also it can write all of your SMS texts for you for higher conversions on your mobile offers
    • Moreover, it can write all of your FB messenger copy for you for higher conversions on your social offers

    And Sendiio has been around since 2019 and serves over 12k users and delivers over 1M messages per day, so it’s 1000% battle tested.

    Plus, that’s just one of the 12 major updates that Sendiio has released as part of the
    huge Sendiio 3.0 grand opening

    But the best part is that all these new updates have been based around what
    their users have wanted to make the platform better.

    Ultimately, they’ve collectively taken Sendiio 3.0 to entirely new levels so that it can deliver you even more profit than any other autoresponder out there.

    Sendiio 3.0 can easily be a monthly fee right out of the gate. They can charge a monthly fee for each of the 3 platforms you’re getting..

    However, during this Sendiio 3.0 opening:

    You’re getting a massively improved platform
    You are getting it at a crazy 67% discount
    And you’re getting it with some insane bonuses that could easily have been separate upgrades.

    Grab Sendiio 3.0 now for this low one-time price because it will never be available again after launch at this price.

    So, click on any of the BIG buttons on this page to get for yourself a copy of Sendiio 3.0 plus our amazing BONUSES. Do it now before Sendiio 3.0 goes to a monthly subscription.

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