Grab My Exclusive Bonuses When You Buy “Member App Challenges” From This Page!
Member App Challenges Review
Create Challenges, Marathons & Bootcamps

For a limited time, you can pick up over $2273 in extra bonuses when you buy from this page before the timer ends!
What Is Member App Challenges?
What Is Member App Challenges? ‘Member App Challenges’ is a revolutionary software that enables you to create and run professional time-based or evergreen challenges in minutes.
Since COVID-19 businesses have been forced to adjust. Coaches trainers and consultants have been forced onto the internet because they can no longer run in-person workshops like before.
And it’s hard to hold your customers attention through the internet. That where Member App Challenges comes into play.
You need a solution that includes a combination of all of the aspects your students love about ‘Live in-person’ workshops.
Interaction, homework, Active learning, Daily drip-fed content, daily actions, daily interactive chat & diaries.
Member App Challenges is like workshops 2.0. It allows you to charge more, create better results for your students and stay up to date with exactly how your students are performing. We call these Challenges. But then..
What Is A Challenge?
It has many different names. Challenge, Bootcamp or Marathon. It’s like a workshop or bootcamp except it’s on the internet. These ‘Challenges’ start at a specific date and time.
Students sign-up to achieve a specific goal by the end of the challenge. That goal could be to learn a new skill, build a website or create an income online.
Once the challenge begins students can communicate together and with the instructor of the challenge. Each day they receive new training and homework to complete.
Over a period of 30 – 60 days the student will then complete the challenge and have achieved the goal that they had set out to accomplish at the beginning when they first signed up.

Member App Challenges Features
Here are some never-seen before highly fascinating features of ‘Member App Challenges’
Plan your entire challenge within an easy to use drag and drop ‘Challenge Planner’:
Plan out your challenge. Choose what days different ‘challenge lessons’ are released. Perfect your lessons structure and what’s included within each lesson within a drag and drop visual editing system.
Create challenges within our drag and drop ‘Visual Editing’ System:
With Member App Challenges, you can fully customize your ‘Challenge’ lessons with ‘Member App Challenges’ as you want. Customize your lessons within the lessons planner. Perfect your lessons structure and what’s included within each lesson within a drag and drop visual editing system.
Create ‘pre-sell’ events around your challenges:
Member App Challenges enables you to build hype around your challenges and pre-sell spots to them months in advance. Users can receive access to the ‘Challenge Area’ and see a countdown timer for when the challenge will begin.
Auto-Enroll students to your challenges:
Invite students to your challenges or use third party software to automatically enrol new customers of your startup software or fitness programs.
Set Start Time’s & End Times or Run Automated Evergreen Challenges:
With Member App Challenges, you choose the start time and end time of your challenge. For example you can choose to run your challenge throughout January. All of your students can pre-pay and join your membership before January.
Then the ‘Challenge’ inside the membership will unlock when the challenge begins. Everyone can join the challenge at the same time.
Alternatively allow for students who join to begin the challenge immediately after signup year round selecting the ‘Evergreen Challenges’ option.
Drip Feed Content Lessons:
Change the order of your content within your lessons and customize as you wish. Every lesson comes with a timer as to the amount of time that the lesson can be completed in to stay up to date. Choose when your students can access each lesson. Member App Challenges makes it very easy.
Create And Review Homework:
Create homework for your students to submit each day of your challenge. Customize your homework then as students submit the homework you can review their homework within your challenges ‘homework’ dashboard.
Write comments and respond to homework as you review it. Require homework to be completed before moving to the next lesson or enable students to skip homework if they like and move to the next step.
Keep Students Engaged With Reminders & Challenge Notifications:
As your students run through your challenge keep them engaged with reminders and notifications. Member App Challenges will allow you to customize when they receive notifications and reminders. Keep them engaged and returning to complete daily lessons within your challenge.
Challenge Completion Certificates:
Once a student has successfully completed your challenge you can send a customized certificate to congratulate them. Choose when a certificate is sent to your students and reward your students’ achievement.
Students receive a digital version of the certificate but can also receive a physical certificate if you wish as well.
Communicate & Engage Your Students Through Group Chat & Chat Threads:
Member App Challenges enables you to communicate with your students as a whole within time-based challenges. Member App Challenges will allow you to also broadcast messages to all of your students through group chat. Students can ask questions, submit information or engage directly with both you and other users within the group.
This helps to create a collaborative and encouraging environment for your students. Students can connect with one another and encourage each other as they work towards completing your challenge.
Automatically Enroll Challengers Into Weekly Workshops or Webinars:
As students signup for your challenge you may want to also run weekly workshops. These workshops can serve as weekly reviews that recap what has happened over the last week within your challenge. Or they could be live Q&A sessions to help your students better navigate your challenge.
With this feature you can now automatically enroll your new students into these webinars directly after their purchase so they never miss a live call.
Track Your Students Progress Through The Challenge:
As your students begin the challenge you can follow their individual progress. See exactly when your students are beginning the challenge, how much of the homework they are completing and submitting and what actions they are taking within the challenge. That’s a great feature of Member App Challenges.
Keep in touch with your students and assist them if you see them dropping off. Encourage your best students as you see them completing daily challenge goals and objectives.
Collect Testimonials, Reviews & More At The End Of The Challenge:
When students finish your challenge you can turn on ‘video testimonials’. At the end of your challenge students are asked to submit a video testimonial about the challenge that you can use to sell future challenges.
This automatically helps you to collect feedback, reviews and testimonials that will help you to improve your future challenges. As you can see, nothing comes close to ‘Member App Challenges’.

Who Is Member App Challenges For
Member App Challenges is perfect for..
Course Creators:
Use challenges to increase engagement, help students in a collaborative, competitive environment, make more money repurposing content.
Repurpose your courses or transform your courses into challenges.
Challenges put a time-limit on students completing the training. They motivate students to go through each and every lesson. Students can connect with other students and motivate each other to complete the challenge.
As a course creator you can improve your students’ results, gather more testimonials for your future challenges and sell more products packaging training into a progressive, step by step 30 or 60 day training system.
Member App Challenges Is Great for Software Developers:
Use challenges to educate your audience about using your software. Teach them over 30 days to get results with your software. Increase customer retention and build a larger more loyal user base.
The most effective method for signing up users to your software and ensuring they pay a monthly cost for the software years after is through a challenge.
Sell a challenge and with that challenge give your students a 30 day trial to your software. Then use the challenge to help them to successfully use your software and get results.
At the end of the challenge you’ll notice that your students will stay users of your software for dramatically longer than if they had simply signed up but never gone through your challenge.
This is the ultimate ‘sticky’ strategy for growing software startups.
Experts/Trainers & Coaches:
With Member App Challenges you will engage your students in new ways with quality, online, high-end challenges. Engage with your audience in a “Live Workshop” style environment on the Internet.
Run webinars & publish homework for your attendees to follow. Take your offline workshops and load them into a ‘30 day online challenge’.
Sign your students up for the challenge and engage with them through the challenge as you would within a ‘live coaching’ environment. Sell your challenges for higher prices and run live workshops along side them. Sell more online and expand your customer pool.
Online Marketers:
Enhance your courses or sell challenges as ‘more engaged upgrades’ to courses. Create courses that challenge your students, drive results and help you to sell more products with true ‘scarcity style’ challenges.
Enhance your courses with challenges. Add a challenge to your product as an upgrade or FE offer.
Drive more results for your products. Even turn on ‘Evergreen’ challenges to run challenges year round engaging your students.
This is perfect if you’re selling training products over JVZoo, Clickbank or independently through processors like Paykickstart, ThriveCart or others. Member App Challenges enables you do all that.
Run Challenges For Clients With ‘Member App Challenges’:
Member App Challenges will help you to educate your clients and engage your clients in a new way through a challenge. Signup high paying clients and drive more results through challenges. Get paid for this service.
Get paid for creating challenges with clients. Charge a percentage or a one-time fee to help your clients run challenges. This can be a great service to offer for businesses, fitness trainers or experts.
Offer challenges to clients and get paid for helping your clients to manage their students through the challenge.
How Member App Challenges Works
Member App Challenges works in 3 simple and easy steps..
Step 1: Create your ‘Challenge’
Choose a name for your challenge, a guide then create your Challenge. Select a start date, end date, create lessons for your challenge and when those lessons will be released.
Step 2: Customize Your Challenge
Use our ‘Visual Editor’ to quickly and effortlessly customize your challenge. Preview your challenge within one click.
Step 3: Publish & Sell your challenge
Publish your challenge and invite your first students. Integrate with your favorite third party service and pre-selling or selling spots to your challenge.
With Member App Challenges, you automatically manage your challenge as students engage. View student progress and add new students throughout the duration of your challenge.
Watch the video below to see ‘Member App Challenges’ in action..
Member App Challenges: Pros
- ‘Member App Challenges’ is a cloud base software, meaning nothing to install
- 100% newbie friendly
- No technical skills required at all.
- Walkthrough video tutorials included
- With ‘Member App Challenges’, you get round the clock support
- 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
- Huge bonuses included
Member App Challenges - Cons
- ‘Member App Challenges’ requires a stable Internet connection for the software to work
- You need to get in touch with support for any issues
- There will be a price Increase after every day of Launch
- I truly do not find any other issue with the ‘Member App Challenges’
Member App Challenges - Prices And Upsells
Front End: ‘Member App Challenges’ $67 – $97
‘Member App Challenges’ is a software that generates time-based challenges.
Users get access to a visual interface that allows them to create time-based challenges, add their own training videos, text and engage in discussions with their students. Users then are provided with a number of ways to promote or sell their challenge. Or they can choose to give it away for free.
Upgrade 1: ‘Member App Challenges’ – All Access $47pm
All Access is a complete package that includes our flag ship Member App software. This software includes the ability to create sales funnels, beautiful websites as well as a wide range of incredible challenge & course enhancements.
This is a monthly or yearly program because it includes media management as well as it’s own video & audio system.
Upgrade 2: ‘Member App Challenges’ – Agency $497
For serious Agencies – this package includes team management, client management, invoicing from the software and much more. This adds an entirely new section to the software and gives users additional domains, data and features that support clients.
Upgrade 3: Challenges Bootcamp $97
Incase our users are brand new to challenges we sell a introductory – advanced results-based challenge on the topic.
This challenge is ever-green so students can begin it at their own pace. It includes step by step videos as well as group discussions amoung other features and unit assignments.
Upgrade 4: Challenge Funnels $197
Users can purchase a purpose built funnel creation software as upgrade #4.
This software comes with over 150 done for you templates as well as a wide range of graphics, elements and backgrounds.
Unlimited funnels, pages, domains and hosting
'Member App Challenges' Bonuses
Attention: Not only are you getting a amazing deal on this product when you buy during launch week, but I’ve multiple the value by adding in the extra bonuses below! All you have to do is buy through any link on this page.

Bonus 1: Webinar Mastery (Value $127)
Are you ready to make money with webinars? It’s about time for you to master webinars. Over the last few years, webinars have gone “mainstream.” To successfully make money from webinars you have to know what works and what doesn’t.
A high-value webinar can keep an audience engaged for a long time. People are familiar with webinars a lot more than they used to be. People know that if they attend a webinar, they will receive great value.
Something awesome about webinars is that It will not be a shock to people when you make a pitch for one of your products or services at the end of the webinar.

Bonus 2: Membership Site Continuity (Value $197)
Interested in creating a recurring membership site but not sure where to start? Trying to generate enough money online to quit your day job?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this will be one of the best letters you will read today. Why Would You Want A Membership Site?
Virtually every Internet marketer who wants to make money online is looking for a sustainable income to replace their 9-5 job.
The challenge is that, unless you keep creating new products and promoting other people’s products as an affiliate, the income dries up and runs out after each launch or promotion.

Bonus 3: Competitors Ranking Pro (Value $197)
Here is what you didn’t know… Now you can expose them. YouTube decided that they did not want to depreciate the power of tags as a ranking factor, so they simply started hiding the real tags on most videos.
If you’re looking in the video page source and see the tags in the “keyword” section of the source, then I assure you that most of the time you aren’t getting the actual tags used in that video.
I can also assure you that pretty much all of the software you have that pulls video tags for you is really doing nothing more than what you were doing manually. Checking in the keyword section for the tags that YouTube says it’s using.

Bonus 4: Social Media Marketing Made Simple (Value $197)
Social media marketers and business owners! Are you tired of scrolling through your feed wishing you had a bigger audience, but uncertain about how to go about getting more?
Discover How You Can Increase Your Social Media Presence, Create Unique Content, Build a Bigger Audience, and Sell Your Products and Services With Ease.
It may take a lot of planning, but do not be afraid: take the opportunity to develop a social media marketing strategy, and make your online business reach new levels of success!
A common problem that many of us have is expecting our content to go viral and for our follower count to grow immediately. Many people spend an average of 3 hours on social media per day, and this number increases depending on the demographic.

Bonus 5: YouTube Black Hat (Value $147)
Market On YouTube For Hordes Of Traffic! If you haven’t started creating simple videos and uploading them to YouTube to not only establish your brand but also to generate loads of easily targeted traffic on autopilot, then you have no excuse.
This 5-part video training course will teach you everything you need! This digital video course is a true asset to any online marketer.
It discusses all of the pertinent methods and up-to-date strategies for creating awesome videos on YouTube with minimal effort, and then uploading them, optimizing them, and ranking them for loads of easy traffic on autopilot. You can scale this method up and recycle it endlessly.

Bonus 6: Crypto Passive Profits (Value $197)
Welcome to this course entitled crypto passive profits. Within this course we’re going to introduce you to Crypto wealth. And in this course, we’re going to discuss three main methods that we are going to cover about how to generate passive income from cryptocurrency, which is a trend at the moment, and it’s starting to become widely adopted. So, let’s move on.
What you’re going to be learning from this:
8 easy-to-understand modules that will take them from beginner to a knowledgeable Crypto investor.
- Earn interest from Staking
- Earn interest from Lending
- Earn from Copy Trading
- How you can benefit from ICOs
- How you can benefit from Yeld Farming
- How you can benefit from DeFi projects
- What platforms to use
- How to create your accounts
- Plus so much more…

Bonus 7: Hiring And Outsourcing (Value $149)
This video series all about Hiring and outsourcing will show you how to ease some of your burdens and reduce cost by outsourcing virtual staff. It is divided into 3 modules.
Module 1: This covers hiring permanent virtual team members.
Module 2: This covers outsourcing jobs to freelancers for specific projects.
Module 3: Covers managing your virtual team.

Bonus 8: Blogging Traffic Mantra (Value $147)
Making a living as a blogger has to be one of the sweetest gigs out there. As a blogger, you’ll be able to earn passive income which means that your money will flow in even as you’re sleeping, traveling, or relaxing with friends.
You’re no long trading time for income and this is the point you need to get to if you want to really be free and financially independent (even being self-employed with clients is still pretty much like having a job).
What’s more, blogging means you get to earn that money by writing on a topic that you find fascinating and you even get to become something of a minor celebrity in your chosen niche.
You can earn a lot of money here too – if a blog takes off and becomes really successful then in theory you can earn thousands a day. It’s incredibly scalable and there’s no ‘upper limit’ for what you can achieve

Bonus 9: Content Marketing (Value 177)
If you’re at all interested in digital marketing and in making a name for your brand online, then it is crucial that you understand how to properly make use of content marketing.
Content marketing is currently one of the biggest trends in digital marketing as a whole and is an area that many website owners and brands are investing in heavily right now thanks to the impressive returns that they are seeing.
While there is no such thing as a ‘magic bullet’ when it comes to getting your brand known and encouraging sales, content marketing is perhaps the closest thing to such a notion and can help you to drastically increase your visibility as well as your authority and trust.
But content marketing is a complex and broad term that encompasses a number of different strategies and activities. In order for it to be successful, you need to have a good understanding of what it is, how it works and how you can best adapt it to work for your particular brand.

Bonus 10: Web Traffic Excellence (Value $247)
Web Traffic Excellence is a 5 part video course that I’ve put together to help new and experienced marketers generate huge array of traffic from 5 different sources…
Email Traffic
Facebook Traffic
Forum Traffic
Pinterest Traffic
Youtube Traffic
Inside these 5 videos – I’m sharing everything I know about gathering traffic from these sources and I’m talking about a LOT of information. This is years of industry secrets that you’re getting access too in an ‘over-the-shoulder’ series of videos.

Bonus 11: Online Viral Marketing Secrets (Value $97)
This is an audiobook and an ebook on the subject of viral marketing which is called Online Viral Marketing Secrets. This package also contains an opt-in page which will allow you to build your list by giving this away to your customers, visitors, and subscribers.
The step-by-step guide to finding your niche so you can stand out and create success faster. Now you can get instant access to a 10-part training series to help you get ahead even more. Download and start playing these videos tutorials right from the comfort of your home.
When it comes to running a successful business, you can’t please all of the people all of the time. If you can find a viable and profitable niche to focus your time, money and efforts on, you are far more likely to succeed in business.
If you’re concerned that spending the time to research so you can choose a profitable niche will keep you from starting your business, here are some great reasons why you need to take the time to find a niche.

Bonus 12: Modern Social Media Marketing Video (197 Value)
Would You Like To Discover A Shortcut To Unleash the Power of Modern Social Media Marketing? If so, pay close attention to this very limited, special offer… You will only see this once… This Will Teach You All the Skills You Need to Unleash the Power of Modern Social Media Marketing in 10 Steps.
If you follow the step-by-step guide, you will be heading straight to that goal… But, what if you could do it even faster And what if you could insure that you get the absolute BEST results possible and stay focused… In short, making sure that this is a real success.

Bonus 13: Member Method (Value $197)
If You Haven’t Built Recurring Revenue Into Your Business. What Are You Waiting For? Learn The Key Lessons For Building Ongoing Income Through Membership Programs. Whenever I coach new entrepreneurs, one of the first concepts we talk about is “embracing unpredictability”.
When you run a business (online or offline), you better be prepared to deal with huge adversity when it comes to customers, partners, competitors and income.
Plus Get These Extra Bonuses During Launch Week
Bonus 1: 3 Done For You Challenges

Bonus 2: Client Attraction Funnel

Bonus 3: 3000 Leads in 30 Days

Bonus 4: Script Writer

Bonus 5: Green Screen Videos

Bonus 6: Launch Checklist

Bonus 7: Delicious Flat Icons

Bonus 8: Marketing Graphics Toolkit

Member App Challenges - My Verdict
Until now marketers have used Facebook groups, Instagram private chat or webinars to host their challenges.
But the problem is they’re unprofessional, they have limited options. Most prospects don’t ever finish the course and there is no way of tracking the effectiveness of your challenge.
Not to mention, it’s difficult to charge a high fee for unprofessional challenges run through social media or webinars.
The Solution is to create and run professional ‘workshop-like’ events on the internet. And that is what Member App Challenges knows how to do best.
Member App Challenges is a brand new technology that creates workshop-like results based experience for your students on the internet.
You can sell these challenges to businesses for $1000+ and they take minutes to setup.
In fact big names like Russell Brunson and Tony Robbins are using challenges right now to generate thousands of leads and sell lots of their products.
You’re going to get our Challenges App which makes it possible to create a ‘Challenge’ without a
developer, designer or anything else in minutes.
Now, go click on the link below to get yourself a copy of Member App Challenges at a founders discount price before the launch ends. Commercial rights is included.
You can use every one of these features with your clients. It’s one of the benefits in securing access within this founder launch. Get Member App Challenges now.